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Sara Elmonshed

Sara Elmonshed

Hunter College


The artist plans to create a large-scale sculptural painting series that investigates themes of multiculturalism and femininity in the context of domestic violence victims and the female silent struggle. Influenced by Moorish and Arabic art as well as architecture, her work confronts the silent struggle of women, specifically in the context of intimate partner violence, and the concept of femininity, and aims to contribute to a societal discourse on the treatment of women.

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Cynthia (Power)  2022  Oil on canvas, found marble tile on wood cutout  48inx36in.png

Cynthia (Power)  2022  Oil on canvas, found marble tile on wood cutout  48inx36in

Eden  2022  Oil, fabric, and string on canvas, found marble and glass tile on wood cutout.

Eden  2022  Oil, fabric, and string on canvas, found marble and glass tile on wood cutout.  48inx36in


Photo credits: Sara Elmonshed

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